An annual free event where 5th grade boys and their fathers (or father figures) spend some time together enjoying dinner, open gym, games and a guest speaker. Our speaker is typically a prominent member of the community who discusses the importance of education, studying and good work ethic and how it has led to their success.

What’s New?

Attention All 5th Grade Boys

The Annual PTO Boys’ Night Out is coming!  Friday, March 14th @ Middle North, 6:30-8:30pm.

All 5th grade boys and their father or father figures (Grandfather, Uncle, Older Brother, etc.) are invited to the PTO’s annual Boys’ Night Out event. This event is an opportunity for 5th grade boys and their male role model to enjoy each other’s company for a fun night out. The evening supports relationship bonding and the transition to Middle School.

Please join us for: Pizza Dinner, Games – A FREE Evening of Fun!

With Special Guest Speaker:  TBD

Register here!

Committee Information

If you are interested in volunteering or have questions, please go to our volunteer Sign Up page or contact the Boys Night Out committee at